Received a Notice of Intended Prosecution

If you have received a Notice of Intended Prosecution (NIP), you can either accept the fixed penalty and points, elect to attend our Driver Awareness Scheme if eligible, or elect a court hearing.

To view your offence details including photographic evidence, calibration certificate and FAQ's Click here

You will require your notice number, pin number & vehicle registration number in order to log in.

Please consult the information below for further guidance.

How to complete a Notice of Prosecution

The law states that a Notice of Intended Prosecution must be posted to reach the registered keeper of the vehicle, as recorded by DVLA, within 14 days after the date of the offence.

If you have received a Notice of Intended Prosecution through the post, you will need to complete the form and return it to the Dorset Police Central Ticket Office. Completing this form and signing it is a legal requirement under Section 172 of the Road Traffic Act 1988.

Before you get started on your Notice of Intended Prosecution form, there are a few important points to note;

  • Complete the form using BLOCK CAPITALS - putting one character in each box
  • The form consists of three pages, only page 3 has to be completed, signed and returned to the Central Ticket Office
  • Page 3 must be completed, signed and returned ONLY by the person or company to whom it is addressed. 
  • As the recipient of the notice, you are required under Section 172 of the Road Traffic Act, 1988, to provide the requested information by completion of the response section which must be signed. Failure to do so within the time limit specified on the attached document will render you liable for prosecution.

You have a legal obligation to respond to the Notice within 28 days, either by:

  • Stating you were the driver at the time of the offence
  • Nominating another driver, providing the person’s full name and address details
  • Nominating a new or previous keeper, providing the person’s full name and address details
  • Requesting a Court Hearing (if applicable)

Once a driver has admitted to being the driver at the time of the offence they have 3 options:

  1. Elect a court hearing
  2. Elect to accept a Conditional Offer of Fixed Penalty (COFP)
  3. If they meet the strict criteria they may be offered the opportunity of attending a Driver Awareness Scheme course (DAS)

If an individual is eligible for a DAS course, they will receive an offer letter from the DAS office. If you wish to decline the course, this will need to be indicated on the DAS offer letter. The case will then be referred back to the Central Ticket Office where a Fixed Penalty (which consists of a fine of £100 and 3 penalty points) or court hearing offer will be made. The matter may result in a summons to court if the fixed penalty process is not complied with.

If the fixed penalty is accepted (the payment made and the points endorsed on your driving licence), the matter is closed. You are unable to change your mind.

If there were mitigating circumstances, you should complete the documentation electing a court hearing and attach a letter of explanation which will be included as evidence in a potential court file. The Central Ticket Office is not able to consider mitigating circumstances or give legal advice.

Any enquires relating to a NIP or COFP must only be directed to the following address:

Dorset Police
Central Ticket Office

NOTE: It has been confirmed by the Information Commissioners Office that questions submitted regarding an offence WILL NOT delay the prosecution process.

The prosecution process as detailed on this website for traffic offences comply with all current legislation including : Police and Criminal Evidence (PACE), Criminal Procedure & Investigations Act, European Human Rights, Data Protection Act & Freedom of Information Act.

Part 1

  • If you were the driver complete Part 1
  • Place a tick in the box provided stating ‘I was the driver at the time of the alleged offence’.

  • You should then tick the box indicating how you wish the offence to be dealt with. Please note that dependent on eligibility your preferred option may not be available to you.

  • Once you have selected your preferred option fill in your Driver Number (found on your driving licence) and current number of points on your licence.

  • Fill in your date of birth.

  • Sign and date the form.

You only need to correct your details if your details on the Notice of Intended Prosecution addressed to you are incorrect

Return the form to Dorset Police Central Ticket Office, Headquarters, Winfrith, Dorchester, Dorset, DT2 8DZ.


Section 172 of the Road Traffic Act 1988 places a legal responsibility on the registered keeper of a vehicle to supply the name and address of the driver of a vehicle at the time of an alleged offence. Failure to complete and return the form may result in the registered keeper being prosecuted for failing to provide the information. You are strongly advised to keep a record of who is driving your vehicle at all times. Failure to identify the driver of the vehicle at the time of the offence will result in the matter being referred to the courts.


Part 2

  • If you were not the driver complete Part 2 by nominating who the driver was at the time of the alleged offence.

  • You must then sign the Notice of Intended Prosecution - DO NOT PASS THE FORM TO ANYONE, the form has to be completed by you.

  • Return the Notice of Intended Prosecution to the Dorset Police Central Ticket Office, Headquarters, Winfrith, Dorchester, Dorset, DT2 8DZ.

Alternatively, you can nominate that person online at you will need the Notice no, PIN and VRM in order to access the offence record

The Dorset Police Central Ticket Office will then issue a new Notice of Intended Prosecution to the driver you nominated.

PLEASE NOTE - Failure on the part of the registered keeper to provide information on the identity of the driver at the time of an offence could result in prosecution with a maximum financial penalty of £1000, an endorsement of 6 penalty points and possible driving disqualification.

A person who knowingly provides the Police with false information as to the driver of their vehicle or the whereabouts of their vehicle commits a crime of attempting to pervert the course of justice or perverting the course of justice. This is a far more serious crime than the original offence and can carry a prison sentence.

Company or hire company

If a company or Hire company has received the NIP, it is the responsibility of the Company Director / Secretary to complete this document, not the driver concerned, DO NOT PASS THE FORM TO WHO YOU THINK WAS DRIVING. If you are the company director or Secretary then you will need to complete Part 2 nominating who was driving at the time of the alleged offence and return the form to Dorset Police Central Ticket Office, who will issue a new NIP to the nominated driver.

You should supply the residential address of the individual and not a c/o address. Please check that your address records are correct before completion of the document.

If you were driving a company vehicle

The registered keeper of a vehicle has a legal obligation under Section 172 of the Road Traffic Act 1988 to provide the identity of the driver at the time of an alleged offence. This also applies to a company, which will be named as the registered keeper of a vehicle.

You should not complete the Notice, the Company Secretary/Director should complete Part 2 of the Notice nominating you as the driver. You will then be sent a Notice of Intended Prosecution in your own name which you should complete and return. You are strongly advised to keep records of the use of company owned vehicles.

If you were the driver at the time of the offence and have 9 or more valid penalty points on your licence, the Fixed Penalty Scheme cannot be entered into and a court hearing will be arranged for the matter to be dealt with. However, you must still complete this notice. If you are eligible for a DAS course, this will be offered to you on receipt of your admission.


The Notice of Intended Prosecution is required to establish who the driver was at the time of the offence. Therefore, payment and driving licence documents are not required at this stage. PLEASE DO NOT SEND THESE WITH YOUR NOTICE OF INTENDED PROSECUTION RESPONSE. You will be advised in writing of the next step by the Dorset Police Central Ticket Office.

There is no facility for paying the Fixed Penalty by instalments as this is a Fixed Penalty and payment must be made in full. If you are having difficulty making payment please write to The Central Ticket Office where an extension for making the payment may be granted at their discretion, no guarantee can be made that an extension will be granted.

It is vital that you supply the correct driver number by entering the details onto the Notice of Intended Prosecution. If you do not hold a DVLA Swansea issued licence then please supply a photocopy of your licence in addition to completing the Notice Of Intended Prosecution.

If you have lost or mislaid your licence we advise you to apply immediately for a replacement. Forms can be obtained from the Post Office giving you full details of how to obtain a replacement licence.

From the 8 June 2015, only a driving licence photo card or old style paper licence is required (not a paper counterpart) for endorsement purposes. Should you submit a driving licence COUNTERPART, this will be retained and securely destroyed. You will NOT have it returned to you.

If the vehicle was stolen at the time of the alleged offence, you will need to write to the Central Ticket Office at the address shown at the top of the Notice Of Intended Prosecution giving a crime reference number issued to you by the police at the time you reported the vehicle stolen.

You will need to complete Part 2 of the Notice of Intended Prosecution with the name and address of the person you sold the vehicle to so a Notice of Intended Prosecution can be issued in his/her name. Remember that it is your responsibility as the previous owner to notify the DVLA of any change in ownership of the vehicle, failure to do so is an offence and can result in a fine.

Please note that the Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency (DVLA) from time to time have a delay in updating records therefore this should be taken into account.

If you hold a licence that is not issued by the DVLA Swansea, UK, you can still take part in the Fixed Penalty or Driver Awareness Scheme if you meet the strict criteria. You will need to respond to the NIP in the usual manner as outlined above, however, if your offence does not meet the criteria for DAS, a Conditional Offer of Fixed Penalty will be issued you and you will be required to submit a copy of your foreign licence with your payment.

To view photographic evidence please log into the online portal

Click here

You will require your notice number, pin number and vehicle registration in order to log in.

The purpose of the photographs is to identify the vehicle and will not necessarily identify who was driving at the time of the offence. It is the registered keepers responsibility to name who was driving the vehicle.


A person who knowingly provides the police with false information as to the driver of their vehicle or the whereabouts of their vehicle commits a crime of attempting to pervert the course of justice or perverting the course of justice. This is a far more serious crime than the original offence and can carry a prison sentence. Where false information is suspected, alleged by a third party or comes to light by other means, the police will always investigate these cases. Perverting the course of justice may also be investigated retrospectively.

Calibration Certificates 2025-2026

Redflex Static Speed Calibration Certificates 
NK7.00303 NK7.00304 NK7.00305 NK7.00307  
NK7.00309 NK7.00310 NK7.00314 NK7.00318 NK7.00319
Redflex Red Light    
RUC.602 RUC.603 RUC.604 RUC.605 RUC.606
Safe Zone Calibration Certificate 
Concept Laser LTI 20.20 Calibration Certificate
LTI 20.20 TruCam 
Truvelo Laser Witness
LaserCam 4        

Calibration Certificates 2024-2025

Redflex Static Speed Calibration Certificates 
NK7. 00303 NK7. 00304 NK7. 00305   NK7. 00307
NK7. 00308 NK7. 00309 NK7. 00310 NK7. 00312 NK7. 00312
NK7. 00314 NK7. 00315 NK7. 00316 NK7 00317 NK7. 00318
NK7. 00319 NK7. 00320 NK7. 00321 NK7. 00322 NK7. 00323
Redflex Red Light    
 RUC 0602     RUC 0605  
Safe Zone Calibration Certificate 
 001.1_003.1 002.1_003.1     004.1_005.1
Concept Laser LTI 20.20 Calibration Certificate
449235UX 449236UX      
LTI 20.20 TruCam 
449636TC 500383TC      
Truvelo Laser Witness
LaserCam 4        
LE03366 LE03365      

Calibration Certificates 2023-24

Redflex Static Speed Calibration Certificates 
NK.7 00303 NK7. 00304 NK7. 00305 NK7. 00307  
NK7. 00308 NK7. 00309 NK7. 00310 NK7. 00311 NK7. 00312
NK7. 00314 NK7. 00315 NK7. 00316 NK7. 00317 NK7. 00318
NK7. 00319 NK7. 00320 NK7. 00321 NK7. 00322 NK7. 00323
Redflex Red Light    
RUC 0602   RUC 0603 RUC 0604 RUC 0605 RUC 0606
Safe zone Calibration Certificate
001.1_003.1 002.1_003.1 004.1_005.1    
Concept Laser LTI 20.20 Calibration Certificate
LTI 20.20 449235UX LTI 20.20 449236UX      
LTI 20.20 TruCam & TruCam 2
449636TC 449435TC LTI 20.20 500358TC LTI 20.20 500383TC  
Truvelo Laser Witness
LaserCam 4

Redflex Red Light Calibration Certificates
RUC. 0602 RUC. 0603 RUC. 0605 RUC. 0606 RUC. 0604
Redflex Static Speed Calibration Certificates
NK7. 00303 NK7. 00304 NK7. 00305 NK7. 00307 NK7. 00308
NK7. 00309 NK7. 00310 NK7. 00311 NK7. 00312 NK7. 00314
NK7. 00315 NK7. 00316 NK7. 00317 NK7. 00318 NK7. 00319
NK7. 00320 NK7. 00321 NK7. 00322 NK7. 00323  
Safe Zone Calibration Certificate
001.1 003.1 002.1 003.01 004.01 005.1    
Concept Laser LTI 20.20 Calibration Certificate
Concept LTI 20.20 449236UX Concept LTI 20.20 449235UX      
LTI 20.20 TruCam
TruCam LTI 20.20 449636TC        
Laser Cam 4
Laser Cam 4 LE1011        
Truvelo Laser Witness
LW06273 LW06274      

Calibration Certificates 2021-2022


Redflex Static Speed Calibration Certificates 
NK7. 00303 NK7. 00304 NK7. 00305 NK7. 00306 NK7. 00307
NK7. 00308 NK7. 00309 NK7. 00310 NK7. 00311 NK7. 00312
NK7. 00314 NK7. 00315 NK7. 00316 NK7. 00317 NK7. 00318
NK7. 00319 NK7. 00320 NK7. 00321 NK7. 00322 NK7. 00323
Safe Zone Calibration Certificate 
004.1-005.1        001.1-003.1  002.1 -003.1    
Concept Laser LTI 20.20 Calibration Certificate
LTI 20.20 449235UX LTI 20.20 449236UX      
LTI 20.20 TruCam 
TruCam LTI 20.20 449636TC        
Truvelo Laser Witness
LW06273 LW06274 LW06292    
