
Cookies are used on this website to improve user experience and for essential functionality; they are not used for identification purposes.

You can learn more about managing cookies at About Cookies.

We use the following cookies on the website:


'Essential' cookies enable certain things on the website to work.

Things like:

  • stopping unauthorised publishing of content to the site

These will always be turned on.

Service Identifiers Usage
Remember cookie settings GDPR - Cookie Preference Remembers your preferences
waf cookie-security waf_mgt_id Prevent cookie based attacks


Google Services

Who owns Identifiers Expires Description
Google Analytics _gat, _ga, _gid, gali The longest lasting cookie expires two years after your last visit to the website. Others are deleted six months, 30 minutes and the moment you close your browser. Google Analytics is a web analytics service provided by Google, Inc. (“Google”), to help us see how our website is used. In doing so information about your use of our website, including your IP address, may be transmitted to Google and stored on servers in the United States. The data collected by Google Analytics is used to analyse how frequently the same people revisit this website, how the website is found (from advertising or referring websites), and which pages are most frequently viewed. This information is combined with data from thousands of other users to create an overall picture of website use, and is never identified individually or personally and is not linked to any other information we store about you.

Third party services

We use a few forms of embedded content from other content providers on the internet, such as a Twitter feed, maps and videos to provide a richer more informative browsing experience on our site. These services set a few cookies which change frequently.

Google services

This site uses youTube and Google Maps

Twitter services

Twitter uses a cookie that will track that you have visited a site with one of it's buttons or widgets.

To find out more please visit:

For information about blocking the use of cookies, please refer to the instructions / help screen on your Internet browser.

Most modern web browsers will also list the cookies that a site page is using when it loads into its window. Site cookie information can usually be found listed within the web developer tools and is sometimes grouped under the heading storage.

