Schools & Colleges
STEPs Road Safety Training
STEPs (Safety Training and Education for Pedestrians) teaches pre-school and primary school age children how to cross the road safely.
How STEPS is delivered
During school time, the STEPs Coordinators and trained volunteers teach pre-school and primary school age children practical road safety skills at the roadside and through classroom-based activities. Please contact BCP Council road safety team if you are a pre-school or primary school based within the BCP area and would like some more information.
What children learn
- 1st STEP - choosing a safe place to cross the road
- 2nd STEP - crossing safely between parked cars
- 3rd STEP - crossing safely at a junction
Road safety is important
Nearly 40,000 children are killed or injured each year as a result of road accidents. Most of these accidents happen close to home, on journeys to and from school.
STEPs training helps children learn the skills they need to keep safe when crossing the road.
You can help
Practice road safety with your child.
How to get STEPS information to your school
STEPs training is currently being delivered to Primary Schools in Bournemouth, Poole and Christchurch. If it's not available in your school, we're happy to send information about the scheme.
Please email with your details.
Young Driver and Passenger Safety Education
Dorset & Wiltshire Fire and Rescue service are now delivering a new, improved and interactive road safety session to schools and colleges across Dorset for students in years 12 and 13.
Following the latest academic research on trauma-informed learning and programme redevelopment, our new road safety session, in association with 'GoDrive,' focuses on the good decisions students can make and the positive behaviours they can put in place for themselves and others as both young drivers and passengers. Using film clips packed full of safety advice, and interactive tasks, designed to get students actively thinking about what it means to be a 'good driver/passenger,' we aim to improve both their road safety knowledge and attitudes.
The sessions are far more flexible than before and can be planned to run for 60, 75 or 90 minutes depending on the time available at each school/college. We can accommodate small or large groups (15-350 students) and can also offer several sessions in one day at the same venue.
The session remains free to every school/college with students in years 12 and 13 and can be booked using this link. If you have any questions regarding the sessions, please mail the DWFRS Road Safety Team on