Driving for work
Dorset Police Driving for work Courses
Delivered on-line or in-class over 3 hours our bespoke sessions enable individuals that drive for work to reflect on their own behaviours on the road, focusing on key coping strategies to improve well-being and reduce risk to themselves and all other road users.
The sessions will address post Covid-19 ‘skills fade’, encourage self-reflection and personal goal setting to:
- appraise individual driving standards
- encourage safer better coping strategies
- take responsibility for their own actions on the road and not to blame others
- raise awareness of the risks they face and pose to others, and of the consequences of their actions or behaviour on the road with reference to the Transactional Model.
- address the emotions experienced while driving and show how this distracts them from driving safely.
For more information contact Melvin.Vincent@dorset.pnn.police.uk