Young Farmers

This interactive workshop is aimed specifically at young adults that are members of a Young Farmers Club.

Although the aim is to develop an appropriate level of awareness and knowledge that will enable students to become responsible road users however they use the road, there is an emphasis on safety while working on or with agricultural machinery, including quad bikes and tractors.

Students will have an opportunity to explore risks to themselves as pedestrians, passengers and drivers and how using modern technology influences those risks. They will be given some coping strategies that will enable them to decide how best to manage those risks not only as road users but when lone working on farm land and with agricultural machinery.

Fact: A high proportion of young farmers will have more experience than town drivers as they are able to drive a tractor at age 16 and use motorised vehicles on farm land.

Our presentation is flexible and can be tailored to meet the needs of the group.

For more information, to book a presentation or to discuss your requirements, please email us at
